
SANS is open to all scientists, principal investigators, post docs and students from around the world.

Member Benefits

Reduced registration rates

Members have the ability to register for the Annual SANS Conference at reduced registration fees. Visit our Conference Page to find out more.

Interact with the community

As a SANS member you’ll have opportunities for professional development, networking and sharing your science.

Post job opportunities

SANS members have the ability to post job opportunities

Vote on society business

SANS members will have the opportunity to vote on society business.

Access to Member Area

SANS Members have access to members-only resources, such as our Member Directory.

Apply for Travel Awards

Members can submit applications for Travel Awards for the Annual Meeting.

Membership Fees

As of August 1, 2020, SANS has instituted annual membership fees.


~Principle Investigator~


~Grad Student~


~Research Assistant~

How to purchase your SANS Membership

SANS Membership is now managed by Conference Manager, a membership management application that is also used by related organizations such as the Society for the Neural Control of Movement (NCM), the Canadian Association of Neuroscience (CAN), and Flux: The International Society for Integrative Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (FLUX). Because of this shared system, you may already have an existing account. Please review the instructions below carefully so as not to create duplicate user accounts.

Join/Renew – Option 1

If you know you have a Conference Manager account (have attended NCM, CAN or FLUX in the past 5 years), please click the button below and login with your username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, please click the Forgot your Password link to have it sent to you.

Join/Renew – Option 2

If you do not have a pre-existing account, please click the button below and make an account. Please note that when setting up your Conference Manager account, your email address will automatically be set as your username.

  • Please save your username and password as they will be required for submitting an abstract and registering for the conference.
  • Once you have created your account, or logged in, you can continue with through the membership form.
  • Following completion of the membership form (Remember to click Finish), you will have the option to pay online with a Visa or Mastercard via our secure payment servers. If you would prefer to pay by fax or mail, please click the Pay by Mail button at the end of the form.

SANS Members Listserv

The Social & Affective Neuroscience Society maintains a moderated listserv to facilitate communication and disseminate information about job openings, upcoming conferences, and other news of interest to the SANS community.

Announcements may be emailed to

Subscription to the listserv will occur when an individual submits an abstract or registers for the conference.